Gdy ustawie w konnekcie aby po wlaczeniu programu zalogowal sie do serwera GG nic sie nie dzieje. Musze logowac sie recznie. wylaczenie ssl nic nie pomoglo. Z gory dzieki za pomoc. Tutaj log
Konnekt_log ... v | ui
## [CORE] argv[0]=C:\Program Files\Konnekt\konnekt.exe
## [CORE] appPath=C:\Program Files\Konnekt\
## [CORE] Statystyka id = 1073754206; uptime = 0; msgSent = 0; msgRecv = 0; timer = 48509
## [CORE] --- Beta report saved ---
## [CORE] * plugin - ui.dll
## [CORE] --- UI loaded ---
## [CORE] --- ProfilesDir set ---
## [CORE] --- Profile set ---
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\update.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\gg.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sms.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sound.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\ggcrypt.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kstyle.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\notify.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kLAN.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\exPIMP.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kTransfer.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\konnferencja.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kIEview.dll
## [CORE] --- plg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- Plug.sort ---
## [CORE] --- Plugins loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Columns set ---
## [CORE] --- Profile loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Versions checked ---
## [wXP UI] -> ComCtl 60000 isWXP 1
## [CORE] --- UI prepared ---
## [GG] --- LibGaduw32 v: 20030914W32 ---
## [wXP UI] -> autostart = 0
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [CORE] --- Plugins started ---
## [CORE] * SetConn plug=10 val=1
## [CORE] --- ConnTimer ON .. in 60000 ms ---
## [Auto Update] No need to check anything...
## [CORE] --- Auto-Connected ---
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=0 , reqNet=-1 , reqType=-1
## [CORE] --- First MSGQueue (rcv) ---
## [CORE] --- [BT]Nothing to report ---
## [CORE] --- IMC_SHUTDOWN (od wXP UI) ... ---
## [CORE] --- deInitialization started ---
## [CORE] Statystyka id = 1073754206; uptime = 8; msgSent = 0; msgRecv = 0; timer = 48500
## [CORE] --- Beta report saved ---
## [CORE] --- cfg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- cnt.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- msg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- profile saved ---
## [GG] # Czekam na koniec wątku GG
## [GG] # Zakończony po 0
## [wXP UI] --- Shuting down UI ---
## [wXP UI] !!! UI shut down !!!
## [CORE] --- IM_END broadcasted ---
## [CORE] --- cfg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- plugs unpluged ---
## [CORE] --- tables cleaned ---