po dodaniu wtyczki od sieci tlen.. przy wylaczaniu konnekta wywala mi cos takiego:
Wystąpił wyjątek krytyczny
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x014279C3 in the main Thread.
Information: can't read 58
inIM: 246(0x0 , 0x0)(34B) [dwuTleneK->CORE]
Stack trace:
.000079C3 [kZmieniacz_1.4.1.19]
Nastąpi zamknięcie programu!
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x014279C3 in the main Thread.
Information: can't read 58
inIM: 246(0x0 , 0x0)(34B) [dwuTleneK->CORE]
Stack trace:
.000079C3 [kZmieniacz_1.4.1.19]
Nastąpi zamknięcie programu!
a to log:
## [GG] !!! GG - przerwanie połączenia !!!
## [GG] --- GGThread finished ---
## [GG] # Czekam na koniec wątku GG
## [GG] # Zakończony po 0
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'<presence type='unavailable'><status>ciamciaramciam</status></presence>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'</s>'
## [dwuTleneK] --- Waiting for cJabber thread ---
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Remove ping timeout = 1.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Destroying connection socket...
## [dwuTleneK] --- thread finished ---
Lock applied
Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...
Access Violation
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x014279C3 in the main Thread.
Information: can't read 58
inIM: 246(0x0 , 0x0)(34B) [dwuTleneK->CORE]
Stack trace:
.000079C3 [kZmieniacz_1.4.1.19]
## [CORE] Aborting...
## [GG] --- GGThread finished ---
## [GG] # Czekam na koniec wątku GG
## [GG] # Zakończony po 0
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'<presence type='unavailable'><status>ciamciaramciam</status></presence>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'</s>'
## [dwuTleneK] --- Waiting for cJabber thread ---
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Remove ping timeout = 1.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Destroying connection socket...
## [dwuTleneK] --- thread finished ---
Lock applied
Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...
Access Violation
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x014279C3 in the main Thread.
Information: can't read 58
inIM: 246(0x0 , 0x0)(34B) [dwuTleneK->CORE]
Stack trace:
.000079C3 [kZmieniacz_1.4.1.19]
## [CORE] Aborting...
nie znalazlem podobnych bledow na forum wiec zalozylem nowy temat
prosze o pomoc!