konnekt live log:
## [Auto Update] No need to check anything...
## [CORE] --- Auto-Connected ---
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=0 , reqNet=-1 , reqType=-1
## [CORE] --- First MSGQueue (rcv) ---
## [CORE] --- [BT]Nothing to report ---
## [kStyle] --- Applying theme theme.xml ---
## [CORE] --- cfg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- cnt.dtb saved ---
## [wXP UI] --- Zmiana w konfiguracji ---
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [kStyle] --- Applying theme theme.xml ---
## [CORE] --- Auto-Connected ---
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=0 , reqNet=-1 , reqType=-1
## [CORE] --- First MSGQueue (rcv) ---
## [CORE] --- [BT]Nothing to report ---
## [kStyle] --- Applying theme theme.xml ---
## [CORE] --- cfg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- cnt.dtb saved ---
## [wXP UI] --- Zmiana w konfiguracji ---
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [kStyle] --- Applying theme theme.xml ---
kolejne uruchomienia, konnekt live log
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sound.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\update.dll
## [CORE] --- plg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- Plug.sort ---
## [CORE] --- Plugins loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Columns set ---
## [CORE] --- Profile loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Versions checked ---
## [wXP UI] -> ComCtl 60000 isWXP 1
## [CORE] --- UI prepared ---
## [kStyle] --- Applying theme theme.xml ---
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\update.dll
## [CORE] --- plg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- Plug.sort ---
## [CORE] --- Plugins loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Columns set ---
## [CORE] --- Profile loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Versions checked ---
## [wXP UI] -> ComCtl 60000 isWXP 1
## [CORE] --- UI prepared ---
## [kStyle] --- Applying theme theme.xml ---
Blad ten wystepuje przy wybraniu w opcjach wtyczki kStyle wszystkich z podopcji, czyli Ikony, Czcionki i Kolory. Dziala wlaczenie czcionek i kolorow, bez ikon. Zatem problem wystepuje z ikonami.
O w morde.... pisze ten tekst, testujac jednoczesnie Konnekta. Otoz, jesli wybiore Czcionki i Kolory, klikne Zastosuj, potem Ikony i znow Zastosuj, Konnekt sie sam nie wylaczy i normalnie pracuje, jednak wlasciwe ikony nie zostaja zaladowane! Manualne wylaczenie i ponowne wlaczenie powoduje wtedy juz jednak blad, Konnekt sie nie uruchomi.
Dodam, ze jesli pierw wybiore same Ikony i klikne Zastosuj, Konnekt od razu wychodzi bez pozwolenia

System operacyjny Windows XP, bez SP, zawiera instalowane na biezaco uaktualnienia Windows Update. Internet Explorer 6.0. Wiecej grzechow nie pamietam