wywaliłem konnekta z dysku i wyczysciłem z niego rejestr, zainstalowałem nową, dużą paczkę i bez zmian
jeżeli dam status na niedostępny to wszystko jest ok, jabber działa, nawet aktualizacje mogę przeprowadzić itp
a jeżeli tylko gg zacznie sie łaczyć to mam critical errora
oto log:
<info requested="CHECK">
<message type="MOTD" action="URL" title="MOTD" url="http://www.konnekt.info/kweb/open.php?title=Konnekt%20-%20MOTD&inc=motd/6">W ]
## [Auto Update] --- Got message type=MOTD action=URL ---
## [CORE] -> T=64
## [CORE] >> T=64 <<
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073741826 dodana do kolejki ---
## [Auto Update] --- Got update ---
## [CORE] -> T=65
## [CORE] >> T=65 <<
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=1 , reqNet=4 , reqType=-1
## [CORE] -> T=14
## [CORE] >> T=14 <<
## [CORE] --- cfg.dtb saved ---
## [Auto Update] * Update - http://www.stamina.eu.org/konnekt/update/data.xml?1072707059
## [CORE] * BT Serwer odpowiedział...
## [CORE] --- msg.dtb saved ---
## [Auto Update] --- Update waits for - 204 ---
## [CORE] -> T=64
## [CORE] >> T=64 <<
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073741827 dodana do kolejki ---
## [CORE] -> T=65
## [CORE] >> T=65 <<
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=2 , reqNet=-1 , reqType=-1
## [CORE] * BT Próbuję połączyć...
## [CORE] * BT Zbieram dane...
## [CORE] * BT Wysyłam...
## [CORE] * BT Serwer odpowiedział...
## [CORE] --- msg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- cfg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- cnt.dtb saved ---
## [wXP UI] --- Zmiana w konfiguracji ---
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [wXP UI] --- Zmiana w konfiguracji ---
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [CORE] --- cfg.dtb saved ---
## [wXP UI] --- Zmiana w konfiguracji ---
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [wXP UI] --- Zmiana w konfiguracji ---
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [CORE] -> T=f6
## [CORE] >> T=f6 <<
## [GG] PROXY 0 , (null) : 0
## [GG] IStatus st=2 d=1 lp=389fde0
## [GG] Connecting to [] from list
## [CORE] -> T=27e1
## [CORE] >> T=27e1 <<
## [wXP UI] * Start Long Dlg w/o timer
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTING_HUB
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() connected to hub, sending query
## [GG] _GG| => -----BEGIN-HTTP-QUERY-----
GET /appsvc/appmsg2.asp?fmnumber=1820887&version=6%2c+0%2c+0%2c+132&lastmsg=0 HTTP/1.0
Host: appmsg.gadu-gadu.pl
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win98; I)
Pragma: no-cache
=> -----END-HTTP-QUERY-----
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_DATA
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() received http header (HTTP/1.0 200 OK)
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() received http data (0
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTING_GG
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() connected
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_KEY
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(676,0389EC4C,8) = 8
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() body recv(676,02FDFE50,4) = 4
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() gg_dcc_ip =
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() sending GG_LOGIN60 packet
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_REPLY
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(676,0389EC44,8) = 8
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() login succeded
## [CORE] -> T=27e2
## [CORE] >> T=27e2 <<
## [wXP UI] * Stop Long
Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...
Lock applied
Access Violation at 0x038E32D2
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x038E32D2 in the main Thread.
Ex parameters: [0x00] [0x00]
inIM: 10210(0x389fd48 , 0x0)(30B) [GG->wXP UI]
Stack trace:
.000032D2 [sselsp]
.0000157A ioctlsocket+0x00000020 [WS2_32_5.1.2600.0]
.00004BF0 [gg_1.2.5.0]
## [CORE] Aborting...