1. w systemie nie może funkcjonowąc dll o tej samej nazwie w dwóch aplikacjach - to murowany powód kłopotów
Może bez problemu. Sam mam kilka wersji np. kodera lame, inna w fb2k inna w innych progsach, iconv też się znajdzie w 2 wersjach i wszystko działa! Kolejność szukania dll (jeśli nie podamy bezpośredniej scieżki) jest następująca:
1. Katalog programu
2. Katalog bieżący programu
3. Katalog systemowy
4. Kat. windowsa
5. Katalogi zdefiniowane zmienną środowiskową PATH
When no path is specified, the function searches for loaded modules whose base name matches the base name of the module to be loaded. If the name matches, the load succeeds. Otherwise, the function searches for the file. The search order used depends on the setting of the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SafeDllSearchMode value.
Windows 2000/NT, Windows Me/98/95: The SafeDllSearchMode value does not exist.
If SafeDllSearchMode is 1 (the default), the search order is as follows:
1. The directory from which the application loaded.
2. The system directory. Use the GetSystemDirectory function to get the path of this directory.
3. The 16-bit system directory. There is no function that obtains the path of this directory, but it is searched.
Windows Me/98/95: This directory does not exist.
4. The Windows directory. Use the GetWindowsDirectory function to get the path of this directory.
5. The current directory.
6. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable.
If SafeDllSearchMode is 0, the search order is as follows:
1. The directory from which the application loaded.
2. The current directory.
3. The system directory. Use the GetSystemDirectory function to get the path of this directory.
4. The 16-bit system directory. There is no function that obtains the path of this directory, but it is searched.
Windows Me/98/95: This directory does not exist.
5. The Windows directory. Use the GetWindowsDirectory function to get the path of this directory.
6. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable.
Windows XP: The default value of HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SafeDllSearchMode is 0 (the current directory is searched before the system and Windows directories).