Access Violation at 0x095162EC
Critical structured Exception \"Access Violation\" occured at adress 0x095162EC in the main Thread.
Ex parameters: [0x00] [0x00]
inIM: 20002(0x0 , 0x0)(30B) [CORE->kStatusLog]
Stack trace:
.000062EC [ksl_0.0.5.7]
.00007716 [ksl_0.0.5.7]
.00018B3A [konnekt_0.6.20.116]
Critical structured Exception \"Access Violation\" occured at adress 0x095162EC in the main Thread.
Ex parameters: [0x00] [0x00]
inIM: 20002(0x0 , 0x0)(30B) [CORE->kStatusLog]
Stack trace:
.000062EC [ksl_0.0.5.7]
.00007716 [ksl_0.0.5.7]
.00018B3A [konnekt_0.6.20.116]
Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...
Lock applied
Access Violation at 0x095135CC
Critical structured Exception \"Access Violation\" occured at adress 0x095135CC in the main Thread.
Ex parameters: [0x00] [0x00]
inIM: 20002(0x0 , 0x0)(30B) [CORE->k.Lawa]
Stack trace:
.000035CC [k.Lawa_0.2.0.0]
Lock applied
Access Violation at 0x095135CC
Critical structured Exception \"Access Violation\" occured at adress 0x095135CC in the main Thread.
Ex parameters: [0x00] [0x00]
inIM: 20002(0x0 , 0x0)(30B) [CORE->k.Lawa]
Stack trace:
.000035CC [k.Lawa_0.2.0.0]
Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...
Lock applied
Access Violation at 0x09555A0D
Critical structured Exception \"Access Violation\" occured at adress 0x09555A0D in the main Thread.
Ex parameters: [0x00] [0x00]
inIM: 30010(0x0 , 0x0)(30B) [kStatus->dwuTleneK]
Stack trace:
.00005A0D [kStatus_0.0.3.5]
Lock applied
Access Violation at 0x09555A0D
Critical structured Exception \"Access Violation\" occured at adress 0x09555A0D in the main Thread.
Ex parameters: [0x00] [0x00]
inIM: 30010(0x0 , 0x0)(30B) [kStatus->dwuTleneK]
Stack trace:
.00005A0D [kStatus_0.0.3.5]
i nie ma bata - nic nie pomaga, tylko wyłączenie owcyh wtyczek, czyszby stały się one niekompatybilne z nową wersją ?! co się wogóle dzieje - reinstalowałem konnekta i to samo, już sam nie wiem o co chodzi :-/