Mam pewien problem z konektem?! Podczas uruchamiania komputera mam włączone aby konekt uruchamiał się wraz ze startem Windowsa. Kiedy pojawia się okno powitalne (bateria z napisem kliknij mnie) często ono nie znika po naciśnięciu na nie oraz czasami pojawia się komunikat: "Ikonka nie mogła zostać uruchomiona w tray'u" (powiem, że tak i tak się tam pojawia)
To był pierwszy problem.
Drugi to taki:
"Wystąpił wyjątek krytyczny
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x015F77A8 in the main Thread.
Information: can't read ffffffff" - podczas kiedy chciałbym zmienić sposób wyświetlania użytkownika na liście pojawia się taki komunikat i zamyka się konekt. Wyświetlanie to chcę zmienić poprzez Info dostępne na oknie rozmowy. W danych osobowych zmieniam numer (np.GG) na "Ewa" i koniec - wywala się
Jak ktoś będzie w stanie pomóc to proszę o kontakt najlepiej na GG:5556878 lub majlem:adamkmiecik@poczta.fm
Daje "logi" jak chcieliście może to coś pomoże. Mam AQQ zainstalowane jakby kto pytał:)
oto Logi:
Konnekt_log ... v | ui
## [CORE] argv[0]=C:\Program Files\Konnekt\konnekt.exe
## [CORE] appPath=C:\Program Files\Konnekt\
## [CORE] dataPath=C:\Program Files\Konnekt\data\
## [CORE] PATH=C:\Program Files\Konnekt\data\dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;
## [CORE] Statystyka id = 1073755197; uptime = 0; msgSent = 0; msgRecv = 0
## [CORE] --- Beta report saved ---
## [CORE] * plugin - ui.dll
## [CORE] --- UI loaded ---
## [CORE] --- ProfilesDir set ---
## [CORE] --- Profile set ---
## [CORE] profile=Kmiecik
## [CORE] profileDir=C:\Program Files\Konnekt\profiles\Kmiecik\
## [CORE] tempDir=C:\DOCUME~1\Kmiecik\USTAWI~1\Temp\Konnekt_Kmiecik_3c7bbb1e
## [CORE] --- Core columns set ---
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\dwutlenek.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\exPIMP.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\gg.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\ggimage.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kIEview.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\konnferencja.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kstyle.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kTransfer.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\notify.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sms.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sound.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\update.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\ggcrypt.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\Favicon.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\linKer.dll
## [0x008f] Inicjalizacja wtyczki linKer w wersji [ kAPI v. ]
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kAQQ.dll
## [CORE] --- plg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- Plug.sort ---
## [AQQ] 20022
## [CORE] --- Plugins loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Plugin columns set ---
## [AQQ] 21011
## [CORE] --- Profile loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Versions checked ---
## [wXP UI] -> ComCtl 60000 isWXP 1
## [AQQ] 30031
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] !!! TrayIcon NOT created !!!
## [wXP UI] --- MessageBox own thread ---
## [GGimage] dd: fetching previous owner of message box
## [GGimage] dd: owner not found
## [AQQ] 24012
## [AQQ] 30032
## [AQQ] 24012
## [CORE] --- UI prepared ---
## [GG] --- LibGaduw32 v: CVS ---
## [AQQ] 24012
## [wXP UI] -> autostart = 1
## [wXP UI] UISet
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
## [CORE] --- Plugins started ---
## [AQQ] 23004
## [CORE] * SetConn plug=8c val=1
## [CORE] --- ConnTimer ON .. in 60000 ms ---
## [Auto Update] --- Not this time (checkAtStart==true) ---
## [CORE] --- Auto-Connected ---
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073754632 jest w kolejce ---
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073756215 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760651 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760652 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760654 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760655 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760656 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760657 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760659 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760661 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760664 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760666 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760667 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760668 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760671 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760673 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760675 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760677 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760682 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760683 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760684 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760688 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760690 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760691 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760692 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760693 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760694 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760696 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760697 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760698 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760701 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760703 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760704 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760711 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760715 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760716 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760719 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760720 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760722 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760726 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760727 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760728 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760731 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760732 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760733 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760734 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760736 jest w kolejce ---
## [AQQ] 20100
## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073760738 jest w kolejce ---
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=48 , reqNet=-1 , reqType=-1
## [CORE] --- First MSGQueue (rcv) ---
## [AQQ] 20024
## [CORE] --- msg.dtb saved ---
## [wXP UI] TRAY FG=10066 AC=0 M=101c8 UNC=0
## [AQQ] 30031
## [AQQ] 30032
## [CORE] -> T=f6
## [CORE] >> T=f6 <<
## [AQQ] 24012
## [GG] PROXY 0 , (null) : 0
## [GG] setStatus st=2 d=1 lp=1bdfe40
## [GG] Connecting to "" (SSL=0 Host="" Port=0) from list
## [kTransfer2] Wątek główny uruchomiony
## [kTransfer2] Binding to: 1550 from (1550 - 1560)
## [CORE] -> T=1fbd0 NW
## [CORE] -> T=27e1
## [CORE] >> T=1fbd0 <<
## [CORE] >> T=27e1 <<
## [wXP UI] * Start Long Dlg w/o timer
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTING_HUB
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() connected to hub, sending query
## [GG] _GG| => -----BEGIN-HTTP-QUERY-----
GET /appsvc/appmsg2.asp?fmnumber=5556878&version=6%2c+1%2c+0%2c+158&lastmsg=0 HTTP/1.0
Host: appmsg.gadu-gadu.pl
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win98; I)
Pragma: no-cache
=> -----END-HTTP-QUERY-----
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_DATA
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() received http header (HTTP/1.0 200 OK)
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() received http data (0
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTING_GG
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() connected
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_KEY
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(528,01BDEB78,8) = 8
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() body recv(528,00DCFC88,4) = 4
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() gg_dcc_ip =
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() detecting address
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() detected address to
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() sending GG_LOGIN60 packet
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_REPLY
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(528,01BDEB78,8) = 8
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() body recv(528,00DD0220,1) = 1
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() login succeded
## [CORE] -> T=27e2
## [CORE] >> T=27e2 <<
## [wXP UI] * Stop Long
## [CORE] -> T=65
## [CORE] >> T=65 <<
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=48 , reqNet=10 , reqType=1
## [GG] setStatus st=2 d=-1 lp=ffffffff
## [CORE] -> T=277c
## [CORE] >> T=277c <<
## [CORE] -> T=277c
## [CORE] >> T=277c <<
## [CORE] -> T=f6
## [CORE] >> T=f6 <<
## [AQQ] 24012
## [CORE] -> T=1e NW
## [CORE] -> T=65
## [CORE] >> T=1e <<
## [CORE] * SetConn plug=83 val=0
## [CORE] --- ConnTimer OFF ---
## [CORE] >> T=65 <<
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=48 , reqNet=20 , reqType=1
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTED
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(528,01BDF3D0,8) = 8
## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() body recv(528,00DD0060,428) = 428
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd_connected() received a notify reply
## [GG] __GG Notify c=3 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=4 st=2 [40]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 0 ---
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=8 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=10 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=13 st=5 [41]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 ---
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=17 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=19 st=5 [41]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = -2147483136 ---
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=20 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=22 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=32 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=90 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [GG] __GG Notify c=93 st=15 [0]
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [AQQ] 24011
## [CORE] -> T=2ee1
## [CORE] >> T=2ee1 <<
## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTED
## [wXP UI] TRAY FG=10066 AC=0 M=101c8 UNC=0
## [wXP UI] Refresh -1
## [wXP UI] MsgCreateWindows(id=4000005a)
## [GGimage] dd: creating message box
## [Konnekt IE View] MsgWndUserList hidden
## [wXP UI] onSizeMsg id=4000005a bar=1 ix=1006 bh=58
## [wXP UI] onSizeMsg id=4000005a bar=1 ix=1006 bh=36
## [wXP UI] onSizeMsg id=4000005a bar=1 ix=1006 bh=36
## [wXP UI] onSizeMsg id=4000005a bar=1 ix=1006 bh=36
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=48 , reqNet=10 , reqType=-1
## [wXP UI] Refresh -1
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=48 , reqNet=10 , reqType=-1
## [wXP UI] HIX=0 x=
## [AQQ] 24006
Lock applied
Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...
Access Violation
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x015F77A8 in the main Thread.
Information: can't read ffffffff
inIM: 201(0x0 , 0x0)(30B) [AQQ->CORE]
Stack trace:
.000277A8 [kAQQ_1.0.0.4]
.00028B77 [kAQQ_1.0.0.4]
.0002B7D8 [kAQQ_1.0.0.4]
.00013A8A [konnekt_0.6.22.137]
## [CORE] --- reports saved ---
## [CORE] Aborting...