proszę o pomoc - nie wiem co sie stało ale po restarcie systemu Konnekt przestał odpalać - co mogę zrobić?
Konnekt_log ... v | ui
## [CORE] argv[0]=c:\Program Files\Konnekt\konnekt.exe
## [CORE] appPath=c:\Program Files\Konnekt\
## [CORE] dataPath=c:\Program Files\Konnekt\data\
## [CORE] PATH=c:\Program Files\Konnekt\data\dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\bin
## [CORE] Statystyka id = 1073755222; uptime = 0; msgSent = 0; msgRecv = 0
## [CORE] --- Beta report saved ---
## [CORE] * plugin - ui.dll
## [CORE] --- UI loaded ---
## [CORE] --- ProfilesDir set ---
## [CORE] --- Profile set ---
## [CORE] profile=Ploosh
## [CORE] profileDir=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dane aplikacji\stamina\konnekt\Ploosh\
## [CORE] tempDir=C:\DOCUME~1\Bartek\USTAWI~1\Temp\Konnekt_Ploosh_6e967c0d
## [CORE] --- Core columns set ---
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\actio.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\exPIMP.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\gg.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\ggimage.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kIEview.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\konnferencja.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kstyle.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kTransfer.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\notify.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sms.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sound.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\update.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\DzielniK.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\emnotify.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\faworki.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\GetToKnow.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\grupy.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kDodatki.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kMigacz.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kpilot2.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\krss.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\linKer.dll
## [0x0096] Inicjalizacja wtyczki linKer w wersji [ kAPI v. ]
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\MetaK.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\tabletka.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\TloK.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\ktp2.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\poczta.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\Selekcja.dll
## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\ZniKacz.dll
## [CORE] --- plg.dtb saved ---
## [CORE] --- Plug.sort ---
## [CORE] --- Plugins loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Plugin columns set ---
## [CORE] --- Profile loaded ---
## [CORE] --- Versions checked ---
## [wXP UI] -> ComCtl 60000 isWXP 1
## [GGimage] dd: fetching previous owner of message box
## [GGimage] dd: owner not found
## [SprzątaczK] Groups reloaded
## [MetaK] Filtry: 1
## [MetaK] [MetaK] pozycja to 8
## [wXP UI] * fillList Start
## [wXP UI] * fillList End
Lock applied
Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...
Critical structured Exception "FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" occured at adress 0x5E26433C in the main Thread.
Information: [0x00]
inIM: 244(0x81 , 0x0)(30B) [wXP UI->CORE]
Stack trace:
.0000433E [icm32_5.1.2600.2709]
.00004B30 [icm32_5.1.2600.2709]
.000015EF CMCreateProfileW+0x00000018 [icm32_5.1.2600.2709]
.00005C55 CreateDeviceLinkProfile+0x000001A5 [mscms_5.1.2600.2709]
.0000608E CreateProfileFromLogColorSpaceW+0x00000012 [mscms_5.1.2600.2709]
.0002FF82 SetDeviceGammaRamp+0x00000798 [GDI32_5.1.2600.2818]
.00026C91 DdEntry19+0x00005F7F [GDI32_5.1.2600.2818]
.00024814 DdEntry19+0x00003B02 [GDI32_5.1.2600.2818]
.0000B2A1 [ui_0.1.21.49]
.0000D1E2 [ui_0.1.21.49]
.0003516E [ui_0.1.21.49]
.00013A8A [konnekt_0.6.22.137]
ANOTHER Critical Structured Exception caught!!! Aborting...