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Pełna wersja: Wyjątek krytyczny
Konnekt | Forum > Pomoc > Problemy > DwuTlenek
odczas zmiany statusu dwutlenka na Niedostepny wyskakuje mi wyjatek krytyczny:

Wystąpił wyjątek krytyczny

Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x100076BA in the main Thread.
Information: can't read 38

inIM: 22200(0x12de48 , 0x0)(30B) [wXP UI->wXP UI]

Stack trace:
.000076BA [ui_0.1.22.54]
.00035751 _IMessageProc@4+0x0000077C [ui_0.1.22.54]
.00013A8A [konnekt_0.6.22.137]

Nastąpi zamknięcie programu!

niekiedu blad wyskakuje podczas zmian nan inne statusy...

fragment loga:

## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Reading HUB response...
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | HUB response: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 20:25:50 GMT

Server: Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) mod_gzip/

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-2

<t s='s1.tlen.pl' p='443' v='90' c='0' i=''>90</t>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Using server: s1.tlen.pl:443.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Disconnecting from HUB...
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Connecting to s1.tlen.pl:443...
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Connected.
## [dwuTleneK] --- TLEN_EVENT_CONNECTED ---
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'<s v='2'>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | data to be read
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | data read: '<s i='4500805D' c='1'>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing s tag.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Got id: 4500805D
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'<iq type='set' id='4500805D'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:auth'><username>saif3r</username><digest>f24ad78edf6d997ed3196ad4e4f5773bb263701b</digest><resource>t</resource></query></iq>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | data to be read
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | data read: '<iq type='result' id='4500805D'/>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing iq tag.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Iq type: result
## [dwuTleneK] --- TLEN_EVENT_LOGGED ---
## [CORE] -> T=f6
## [CORE] >> T=f6 <<
## [StatuseK] Start
## [StatuseK] Pobieranie sIMessage_StatusChange
## [StatuseK] Pobieranie net
## [StatuseK] Pobieranie zakonczone
## [StatuseK] Tlen - zmienil status
## [StatuseK] Tlen - wyszukalem kontakt
## [StatuseK] Tlen - ustawilem status
## [StatuseK] Tlen - ustawilem opis
## [StatuseK] Tlen - odswiezylem kontakt
## [StatuseK] Meta
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Status: away
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'<presence><show>away</show><status></status></presence>'
## [CORE] -> T=65
## [CORE] >> T=65 <<
## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=0 , reqNet=63 , reqType=1
## [CORE] -> T=2eea NW
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'<iq type='get' id='GetRoster'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'></query></iq>'
## [CORE] >> T=2eea <<
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | data to be read
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | data read: '<presence from='m-buli@tlen.pl'><show>available</show></presence>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing presence tag.
## [dwuTleneK] --- Presence from 'm-buli@tlen.pl' type 0 status 2 ---
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 0 ---
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | data to be read
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | data read: '<presence from='cr0issant@tlen.pl'><show>xa</show><status>07+-+DJ+Tiesto+-+In+My+Memory+%28Gab+%5B6%3A06%5D</status></presence><presence from='master-piotr@tlen.pl' type='unavailable'><status>;((+|+gram+zeby+nie+myslec+|+chuj+z+cala+reszta</status></presence><presence from='sarunia_17_17@tlen.pl'><show>available</show></presence>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing presence tag.
## [dwuTleneK] --- Presence from 'cr0issant@tlen.pl' type 0 status 3 ---
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 ---
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing presence tag.
## [dwuTleneK] --- Presence from 'master-piotr@tlen.pl' type 3798744 status 8 ---
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing presence tag.
## [dwuTleneK] --- Presence from 'sarunia_17_17@tlen.pl' type 0 status 2 ---
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 ---
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | data to be read
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | data read: '<iq type='result' id='GetRoster'><query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'><item jid='m-buli@tlen.pl' name='Buli' subscription='both'><group>Tlen</group></item><item jid='gravissimo@tlen.pl' name='Grav' subscription='both'><group>Tlen</group></item><item jid='cr0issant@tlen.pl' name='%7E+ZIOM+Cr0iSsAnT' subscription='both'><group>Tlen</group></item><item jid='master-piotr@tlen.pl' name='%7E+ZIOM+SouL+%3CKL%3E' subscription='both'><group>Tlen</group></item><item jid='sarunia_17_17@
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing iq tag.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Iq type: result
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Parsing roster.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | grupa
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | grupa
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | grupa
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | grupa
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | grupa
## [dwuTleneK] --- OnRosterItemAdded JID=m-buli@tlen.pl cntID=400000dc dir=1 synch=0 ---
## [CORE] -> T=12d
## [CORE] >> T=12d <<
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] --- OnRosterItemAdded JID=gravissimo@tlen.pl cntID=400000da dir=1 synch=0 ---
## [CORE] -> T=12d
## [CORE] >> T=12d <<
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] --- OnRosterItemAdded JID=cr0issant@tlen.pl cntID=40000071 dir=1 synch=0 ---
## [CORE] -> T=12d
## [CORE] >> T=12d <<
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] --- OnRosterItemAdded JID=master-piotr@tlen.pl cntID=40000073 dir=1 synch=0 ---
## [CORE] -> T=12d
## [CORE] >> T=12d <<
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [dwuTleneK] --- OnRosterItemAdded JID=sarunia_17_17@tlen.pl cntID=400000b8 dir=1 synch=0 ---
## [CORE] -> T=12d
## [CORE] >> T=12d <<
## [CORE] -> T=2ee0
## [CORE] >> T=2ee0 <<
## [kZmieniacz] [kZmieniacz::actionProc()]: anBase->act.id = 30353, anBase->act.cnt = 0, an->code = 10
## [kRSS] Rozpoznałem jako Really Simple Syndication
## [kZmieniacz] [kZmieniacz::actionProc()]: anBase->act.id = 30353, anBase->act.cnt = 0, an->code = 11
## [StatuseK] Start
## [StatuseK] Pobieranie sIMessage_StatusChange
## [StatuseK] Pobieranie net
## [StatuseK] Pobieranie zakonczone
## [StatuseK] Tlen - zmienil status
## [StatuseK] Tlen - wyszukalem kontakt
## [StatuseK] Tlen - dodalem kontakt
## [StatuseK] Tlen - ustawilem status
## [StatuseK] Tlen - ustawilem opis
## [StatuseK] Tlen - odswiezylem kontakt
## [StatuseK] Meta
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'<presence type='unavailable'><status></status></presence>'
## [dwuTleneK] lT| !H! | sending to server:'</s>'
## [CORE] * SetConn plug=84 val=0
## [CORE] --- ConnTimer OFF ---
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Remove ping timeout = 1.
## [dwuTleneK] lT| .N. | Destroying connection socket...
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [kRSS] Porównuję z poprzednio ściągniętymi RSS-ami
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<
## [CORE] -> T=ea
## [CORE] >> T=ea <<

Lock applied

Critical Structured Exception caught. Preping more info...

Access Violation
Critical structured Exception "Access Violation" occured at adress 0x100076BA in the main Thread.
Information: can't read 38

inIM: 22200(0x12ddac , 0x0)(30B) [wXP UI->wXP UI]

Stack trace:
.000076BA [ui_0.1.22.54]

.00035751 _IMessageProc@4+0x0000077C [ui_0.1.22.54]

.00013A8A [konnekt_0.6.22.137]


## [CORE] Aborting...
Tez mam taki problem (zglaszalem to juz nawet), jak sie da na niedost za ktoryms tam razem to jest krytyk. Ale wtyczka Dwutlenek nie byla rozwijana od niepamietnego czasu wiec watpie zeby ktos to naprawil.
To jest wersja lo-fi głównej zawartości. Aby zobaczyć pełną wersję z większą zawartością, obrazkami i formatowaniem proszę kliknij tutaj.
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