QUOTE(Tiger696 @ 20.05.2007 - 14:28)
własnie czy jest możliwość(ja nie umiem:/) zrobienia wtyczki Kpilot do programu jetAudio???
ostatnio zaczolem go uzywac i chyba jest lepszy od winampa:d
porownanie jetAudio i winampa to jak
GG i Konnekta;]
got my vacation in poland, my bro told me that it is a good stuff that konnekt of yours...
i tried some plugs but i got stuck with kpilot2 - the same vesrsion as it is told at the top
you say that it is a stable one but it not;(
it workd - i'm not sayin it's not but... after few (or some ten+ mp3's) it juts get stuck and doesn't change a stat any more....
what is this?
i got some basic and only useful plugs like: gg, ggimage, kieview, kmigacz, kpilot2, kstyle, ktransfer, linker, notify, sms, gettoknow, selekcja, znikacz
but ya know this is my bro's comp so maybe i got to reinstall all the stuff? any tips about it?
sorry to post an answer in english but i'm L in a polish language, i was born in us so... sorry about it
ps. any help gg: 3908326